Pulp Bibliography

Pulp bibliography

A stack of pulp reference books

You’ve read pulps or reprints, but you want to know more? You want to know the stories behind the pulps? About the people who wrote and published the pulps? Anything you can get your hands on? Here’s where to start.

Our goal is to provide you with the most thorough listing of books and articles about pulps you can find. We think we’ve made a good start, but ThePulp.Net needs your help.

Not only do we want to know about books, articles, etc., that we’ve missed, but we encourage you to send us one- or two-sentence reviews or comments about items you see here. Think of it as helping guide fellow pulp fans in their quest to learn more about the pulps. It’s as easy as e-mailing ThePulp.Net.

Our thanks go out to our contributors: Richard J. Bleiler; John DeWalt; Al Tonik; Monte Herridge; and Joseph A. McCullough.

Comments regarding entries appear below the publication listings. Unsigned comments are those of ThePulp.Net staff; comments by contributors are credited.

The pulp bibliography is segmented into these categories:

  • Character listings, for books and articles dealing with specific pulp characters.
  • Pulpster listings, for books and articles dealing with those who wrote, illustrated and published the pulps.
  • General listings, for books and articles dealing with pulps in general.
  • Genre listings, for books and articles dealing with a specific genre of pulps.

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